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Today Cosplay

Monday, March 7, 2011

Nyaa! Mine is Miss Kristell Lim. :)

Well it started because I am a fanatic of Fairy Tail and 'twas on my cosplay plans. So I did research for some cosplay photos and guess what? I saw someone who cosplayed Erza Scarlet! I was like "OMG! OMG! Someone cosplayed Erza Scarlet! Who is she? Tell meeeeey. Whoa! She is totally cute." I just can't stop staring at her photos. It was Miss Kristell Lim. She is a goddess. A heart throbbing, ground shaking, jaw dropping cosplayer. Her costume was made by Sir Lyron Aquino. Another kewl cosplayer but still Miss Kristell Lim is much kewler. No one can ever beat her. I have a picture of her inside my wallet. A shirt printed with "I ♥ Kristell Lim". A tarpaulin printed with her Erza Scarlet cosplay on the wall in my room.

This photo is the one that is in my room. Nyaa! Shes the one responsible for making my day complete. She always sets up my mood. And on her fan page I told her if she's free on July for the next Cyberzone Cosplay Competion. I really really want to see her in person! Oh! Wait, wait, wait, she reponded to my post.
Here! Here!

I am hoping that she could attend. If ever she does I will definitely roll on the floor! Nyahahaha. But not in front of her. That would make me idiotic. Hahaha. I'll do everything I can just to see her. Am I already stalking? No, no, no, I'm not stalking. I'm a fanatic of Miss Kristell Lim.

Hatsune Miku!? Damn! This is just too perfect. Even though I don't really like Vocaloids. She's making me insaaaane! Ey?! What if she'll cosplay Rose from Dragon Crisis. OMFG! I will scream my lungs out if she do. But that's kinda gay. By the way Rose is my "crush" in Dragon Crisis. Thus, I will bow down before her. I'll be her slave. Nah, I want to be her escort. Nyahahaha.

She cosplayed Rider from Fate Stay Night. That was taken last March 5, 2011 during PCC.

Guys! Please like Miss Kristell Lim's page on Facebook. Thanks!

I guess I'm just until here. Well this is my very first blog. And I don't know if my grammar is correct. Comment whatever you want. I'm off.

~Kaze. >:D

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